International Academy in Switzerland®
Private, Independent and Autonomous International Virtual Institution Commercially Registered in Switzerland since 2013
Archive Page
This page serves as an archive of organizations we've collaborated with since 2013. It's important to note that being listed here doesn't necessarily indicate an ongoing partnership/membership or approvals. Instead, it's a resource for our past students and graduates, ensuring they have access to all relevant files and information from our prior engagements. This page does not cater to students interested in studying with us, neither at present nor in the future, as we have terminated partnerships with most of the organizations listed here. We ceased our collaboration with these organizations for two main reasons. Firstly, there was a decrease in demand from our students. Secondly, each of these organizations required a yearly fee, academic team involvement, and contributions, which contributed to our decision to discontinue the partnership. Please be aware that on occasions, we may have inadvertently overlooked aspects of data protection confirmation.
ASIQUAL (Academic and Skills International Qualifications)
European Medical Association EMA
QISAN - Quality International Study Abroad Network
BHA - British Hospitality Association
CEEMAN - Central and East European Management Development Association
AACSB Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
United States Distance Learning Association USDLA
International Accreditation Organization
ACBSP Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
EFQM - European Foundation for Quality Management)
EURAS - Eurasian Universities Union
ECBE - European Council for Business Education
ISO Certified
Verein Paritätischer Vollzug, Weiterbildung und Sozialfonds für den Personalverleih (PVP)
"Association for Parity Compliance, Training, and Social Fund for Temporary Staff (PVP)"
NCC National Computing Centre UK
We've made the decision to discontinue partnerships with certain previously mentioned organizations, mainly due to limited student interest. However, if you believe one of these organizations is crucial for your future objectives, please reach out to us. We're open to re-establishing connections and facilitating membership or accreditation processes, though an additional fee may apply. Furthermore, after receiving feedback from Dr. Steve P., CEO of ACBSP (who visited us before in Zurich), on May 1, 2020 "I do not understand why you have so many connections with quality organization. It would be impossible to work with so many people and try to teach a student." we re-evaluated and retained only those essential for our students' needs.